
Showing posts from March, 2020

Case testing for COVID-19 has seriously improved since the catastrophe of the national government in 2009

Case testing for COVID-19 has seriously improved since the catastrophe of the national government in 2009 Testing for Swine Flu (Human H1N1) in 2009 was carried out in Melbourne, Australia. Because New Zealand didn't have the facilities for testing. This took a lag of a couple of days before test results were known. Test samples in 2009 had to be flown to Melbourne, tested, then the result flown back to New Zealand before the result was known. Source . Testing for the Swine flu in 2009 was carried out only on serious cases only. The official number of those infected in 2009 were: 3,175. The number of deaths were: 19 As a result of the case testing in 2009. The actual number of those "positive" for swine flu will never be known. "Laboratory diagnosis is rarely needed Although a definitive diagnosis of influenza requires laboratory confirmation, it is not routinely needed in general practice as it unlikely to alter management. Laboratory tests are m...

Coronavirus: Why the PM's repeated 'stay at home' message appears to be working

Coronavirus: Why the PM's repeated 'stay at home' message appears to be working If there is one thing Kiwis should know above all else during the  coronavirus  lockdown, it's that we should  stay at home . There's no getting away from it, in press conferences, on television ads - the message is clear. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has said the phrase 32 times during her live television broadcasts since the  lockdown began on March 25 . Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has been praised for using inclusive language when framing her government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.  And it's how the Government has delivered that message to the country that could be behind Kiwis' overwhelming acceptance of the strict measures that curtail our freedom, according to one psychology professor. Not everyone's on board -  several people have been charged with flouting the rules , while dozens more have given  poor excuses to polic...

Let Them Eat Cake-Jacinda Ardern

Today the PM emoted heavily over stories concerning the high price of cauliflower, hand sanitiser, bread, meat and garlic. πŸ§„πŸ₯¦ Meanwhile thanks to her government this poor shop owner couldn't even give his produce away. πŸ™„ #nzpol #COVID19 #lockdownnz β€” Democracymum (@democracymum) April 1, 2020

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After β€˜Millions’ Were Infected?

Did Obama Declare Swine Flu an Emergency Only After β€˜Millions’ Were Infected? Claim U.S. President Barack Obama waited until millions were infected and thousands were dead before declaring a public health emergency concerning swine flu, the H1N1 virus.  .. Rating False    About this rating  Origin On Feb. 28, 2020, the website  PJ Media  published an article claiming that U.S. President Barack Obama had waited until millions were infected and thousands were dead from swine flu, the H1N1 virus, before declaring a public health emergency in 2009. The article, which was presented as a β€œfact check,” got several simple details wrong. In response to  criticism  of U.S. President Donald Trump’s handling of a recent outbreak of a new coronavirus, the PJ Media article opined that Obama had been lackadaisical about his response to a health emergency back in 2009, and that Trump by comparison had done his job adm...

This will put into perspective the lies by Labour paid trolls

Covid 19 coronavirus: Flu vaccines aimed at high risk groups but there's a nationwide shortage  By: Natalie Akoorie NZ Herald reporter based in Hamilton @NatalieAkoorie Share via email Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Show more Bookmark this article Share on Facebook facebook Share on Twitter twitter Share via email email Share on LinkedIn linkedin Share on Google Plus google-plus Share on Whatsapp whatsapp Share on Pinterest pinterest Share on Reddit reddit SIGN UP TO OUR COVID-19 NEWSLETTER. SIGN IN OR REGISTER, THEN SELECT TOP NEWS STORIES New Zealand has a nationwide shortage of flu vaccinations as it heads into winter and influenza season. The shortage is a blow in the fight against the spread of Covid-19, with the country now in day seven of at least a four-week lockdown. It comes a day after the director of the Immunisation Advisory Centre, Dr Nikki Turner, said getting vaccinated against ...