POLL: National party on just 29% support Jacinda on 65% (revisited)

POLL: National party on just 29% support Jacinda on 65% Just to piss the right wing nutters off The National Party has dropped below 30 per cent in a UMR poll, while Labour has reached as high as 55 per cent. And when it comes to preferred Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern has reached a near record-breaking 65 per cent approval rating. Her popularity eclipses that of her National Party rival, Opposition leader Simon Bridges, who is on a mere 7 per cent. . . It is understood the poll, obtained by the Herald, was conducted by Labour's polling company UMR for its corporate clients, who paid UMR for a monthly snapshot of the political scene. The poll was taken between the 21st and the 27th of April - while the country was in the level 4 lockdown. At 55 per cent, Labour would be able to form a government by itself. But speaking to the Herald, Bridges rubbished the poll. "UMR are Labour's pollsters and are consistently, badly wrong." He ad...