National losing voters to labour and ACT - Poll

National losing voters to labour and ACT - Poll Labour is charging ahead in the latest 1 NEWS-Colmar Brunton Poll, securing enough seats to govern on its own. Support for the party was up three percentage points from when the last poll was done between June 20 and 24, to 53%. Support for National was down six percentage points to 32%. . . However Judith Collins got 20% in the preferred prime minister ranks - a major improvement from when Todd Muller and Simon Bridges were National leader. Her approval rating was 27. Muller's was 10 and Bridges' -40. National also polled much better than in the Newshub-Reid Research Poll, released on Sunday, which had the party at only 25%. The difference can in part be put down to timing. Newshub's was conducted between July 16 and 24, as Nikki Kaye, Amy Adams and Andrew Falloon announced their retirements, and it came to light Falloon sent pornographic images to young women. Meanwhile the 1 NEWS pol...