Waitangi 2020 in pictures
Waitangi 2020 in pictures
A young waka paddler poses for the camera as he awaits the arrival of politicians at the pre-Waitangi Day pΕwhiri.
A member of the manawhenua challenges politicians arriving at the pre-Waitangi Day pΕwhiri.
Greens co-leader James Shaw accepts a wero, or challenge, as politicians arrive at the pre-Waitangi Day pΕwhiri.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern holds hands with Titewhai Harawira.
A waka paddler performs as politicans walk onto the whare runanga.
Whanau Ora Minister Peeni Henare delivers his whaikorero (speech) on the paepae at Waitangi.
An NZ Defence Force colour guard stands in position for the opening of Te Rau Aroha.
A bagpiper performs on Waitangi Day in front of the Maori Battalion's canteen truck.
Neve Ardern Gayford has fun while her mum staffs the Waitangi Day barbeque.
Neve plays with some cardboard boxes.