Russia bars entry to 32 New Zealanders in sanctions response
Russia bars entry to 32 New Zealanders in sanctions response
Russia's foreign ministry has slapped New Zealand journalists and officials with sanctions for supporting what it called the country's "Russophobic agenda."
Russia's Kremlin, Moscow Photo: 123rf/ Cezary Wojtkowski
The political move was announced Saturday.
The list includes New Zealand's Military Secretary to the Minister of Defence Shane Arndell and the mayors of Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch, among other officials.
Journalists named include Whena Owen, Matthew Hooton and James Hollings.
The sanctions bar the targeted individuals from entering Russia indefinitely, the Russian ministry said.
"Taking into account that Wellington does not intend to abandon its anti-Russian course and continues to produce new restrictions (against Moscow), work on updating the 'black list' will continue," the ministry added.
In April, Russia announced an earlier blacklist of politicians from New Zealand, including Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.